About Us
Let’s face it! More than likely you, like many people, are spending a small fortune buying bottled water in plastic bottles from name brand companies. In addition to increasing your household expenses, the plastic bottles also have a harmful effect upon the environment and purity of bottled water is not regulated by the government.
In many cases the so called “pure” water you’re drinking is nothing more than filtered public tap water which may still contain contaminants which may be harmful to the health and well being of you, your family and loved ones.
In the southern Utah area, these contaminants include minerals which can also damage your household appliances. This damage can shorten the lifespan of your appliances which will lead to the additional expense of having to replace or repair them more often.

Mr. Philter Improves Your Health & Saves You Money!
Water Softener Installation
Reverse Osmosis System
Maintenance and Repairs.
Here’s What Our Customers Say About Mr. Philter!
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